Observation Policy
Foundry Road Pre-School offers a key person system where all members of staff have responsibility for a small group of children. Key persons ensure that the specific needs of every child is recognised through close observation and monitoring of progress.
Both parent/carer and child are informed of the name and job role of their key person from the beginning of their involvement with the pre-school.
Such observations enable the key person to make assessments of the child's progress in the areas of the seven early learning goals, and can enable planning to incorporate on what has been observed and identified as an area that may need more attention.
Every child aged between 2- 3 years will undertake a ‘progress check’ which will focus on the ‘Specific areas’ of Development matters, and allow key persons to identify areas that may be of concern or need monitoring. These progress checks will be discussed with parents/carers, and consent will be obtained if it is agreed that outside professional help is required.
These records are, of course, confidential but are always available for inspection by the child's parent/carer.
The outcome of observations, is recorded on the tracking system which enables us to monitor all areas across all children, this is updated termly and kept confidential.
When each child leaves the pre-school their written records go with them.