Special Educational Needs and Disability

Special Educational Needs Disability Policy


Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator is –  Mrs Allport 

Statement of intent

We believe that children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) should be offered full access to a broad, balanced and suitably differentiated curriculum. We will work closely with parents and other external agencies to plan and provide suitable interventions and appropriate resources when necessary.


To identify at the earliest opportunity all children who require support to develop their physical, sensory, social, emotional, communication or cognitive development. To ensure that all children are given appropriate support to allow every child full access to the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum. To ensure that all children are fully included in all activities at the setting in order to promote the highest levels of achievement. To involve parents in developing a partnership of support, enabling them full confidence in the work of the setting.




To provide a broad, balanced and suitably differentiated curriculum relevant to every child’s needs, through all staff sharing responsibility for SEND.

To give every child the opportunity to achieve their full potential.

To work in a partnership with the child’s parents and other external agencies to provide for all children with special educational needs and disabilities.

To adopt the, assess, plan, do, review process to ensure that children’s learning and development is being supported appropriately.

We follow the APDR process –


Home visitsto start the assessment process

Registration forms with information on a child’s background

Unique child to learn the childrens interests etc

Early Years Tracker to monitor development

Termly observations via the child’s key person


Complete  a documented plan of support (PAP)

Specialist intervention if necessary

Refer to specialist services if needed

Carry out smart targeted activities performed weekly by the key person, SENCO to support and oversee all areas of SEN. All information is shared with parents/carers.


Every 3 months either with parents or meetings with outside agencies.

All key persons will liaise with the setting SENCO to ensure next steps in learning are appropriate.


The SENCO is responsible for:


  • The day to day implementation of the settings SEND policy.
  • Liaising with and advising staff on SEND matters. 
  • Co-ordinating the provision for children with SEND.
  • Overseeing the records for all children with SEND.
  • Monitoring the SEND policy and setting dates for evaluation and review.
  • Ensure that the assess, plan, do, review process is being implemented and that the child’s progress and records are reviewed on a regular basis.
  • Liaising with parents and external agencies as appropriate.


Admissions for children with SEND

Our admissions policy is that all children are welcome even if your child wears a nappy or pull ups, we have facilities to change them if required. Please provide your own nappy, wipes and bags. We comply with the Department of Education guidelines, which state that “where you have the facilities to provide for a child with special educational needs, applications should be treated no less favourably than applications from other children.” We ask, however, that parents give us as much notice as possible. This will enable us to discuss with parents and with any outside professionals how we can provide most effectively for the child.

Specialist Facilities and Staffing

Five members of staff have covered SEND training during their NVQ 3 courses and there is ongoing in house training with our Area SENCO. Staff are deployed within the setting to work with individual children as appropriate. The majority of the setting is on one level and we have wheelchair access to toilets and all areas of the room. The setting will have due regard for the Equality Act and will look into seeking funding to make reasonable adjustments as appropriate.


Resources Provided for Children with SEND

All children will be allocated a key person who alongside the setting SENCO will ensure that the SEND policy is followed. SENCO and key person will put a documented plan of support (PAP) in place with targeted activites. These targets will be carried out on a weekly basis and reviewed every 3 months. The key person and SENCO will evaluate and review, all information will be shared with parents.

Equipment and resources are provided to meet a range of individual needs. Parents and professionals would be involved to discuss additional specific pieces of equipment that may be required.

We have regard for the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice (2014).

Graduated Response:

When there is a concern regarding a child’s learning and development it may be necessary to offer different opportunities or use alternative approaches to support them to make progress.

When we have observed a child and have agreed that there is a concern the child’s key person will discuss their concerns with parents. The setting SENCO will also be informed that the child requires some additional support.

We decide with parents how we will address and monitor the concern and will keep parents informed.

We will record the child’s progress through observations and the child’s individual learning journey. Support for learning and development will be documented through the assess, plan, do, review process.

If it is felt necessary to involve an outside agency to support with the child’s learning and development the setting SENCO will discuss this with parents and seek written parental permission before making a referral

Statutory Assessment

If it is felt necessary, in conjunction with parents and any outside agencies involved with the child, a request for a formal assessment can be made to the Local Authority for consideration for an Education, Health and Care plan (EHCP.)

The Learning Environment

Our learning environment provides opportunities for all children to be included in the setting. Physical changes can be made by moving furniture, altering the position of activities and covering climbing equipment to accommodate children with special needs and disabilities. We have a visual timetable in place and different communication systems can be accessed and courses taken if necessary. Inclusive play activities are offered both inside and outside with appropriate equipment and increased staffing levels.

Monitoring and Evaluating the SEND policy

The SEND policy and practice will be monitored and evaluated each year. The following considerations will be taken in to account:

  •  Any mandatory changes relating to the above.
  • Any changes to the building and environment.
  • Any specific requirements which are not catered for.

Complaints with regard to the SEND policy

Any complaints regarding the SEND policy or the provision made for children with special educational needs and disabilities should be addressed in the first instance to the setting SENCO. If however, parents are still concerned they may contact the setting manager.

A record of complaint will be kept in the child’s individual file with any action and outcomes noted.

SEND Training

Staff training in relation to special educational needs and disabilities is met through attendance on Local Authority training courses and through in-house training packages delivered by our Area SENCO. Staff have the opportunity to discuss practice, policies and procedures through regular meetings. All staff have access to a range of reading material on the subject and where a child attends two settings a visit will be made to the other setting (with permission from the parents) to ensure that SEND planning is compatible.

Partnership with Parents

Parents will be supported by the child’s key person and the setting SENCO when the possibility of SEN is discussed. The arrangements that need to be made to meet the child’s individual needs will be discussed and agreed jointly.

A personal appointment will always be arranged to discuss the agreed course of action.

Written permission will always be obtained before contacting outside professionals.

The SENCO will be available to discuss progress and a regular review meeting will be arranged to discuss the child’s ongoing needs in greater detail.

Parental support will be given in understanding external agency advice and support.

Also within the local authority we have the, Dudley Local Offer which is a one stop shop of information and services to children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities under the age of 25 who live in the Dudley Borough, have a look at the website http://www.dudley.gov.uk/localoffer/early-years  


Links with other Early Years settings and schools

When a child with SEND leaves for another setting or to start school the SENCO will arrange a meeting transition for the child. Records will follow the child to their new setting or school.