Foundry Road Pre-School has an anti-bullying policy to meet the Department of Health and Department for Education and Skills requirements, contained in ‘Working Together’ and ‘Don’t suffer in Silence’ – also to comply with the Human Rights Act 1998.
Behaviour by one person or group intended to cause hurt, pain,suffering, humiliation or degradation to another person or group.
● Bullying is unacceptable in any form.
● All children have a right to an education free from fear, harassment or degradation.
● Bullying is a problem both for the bully and victim alike.
● Best outcomes follow when the Pre-School can work with parents to address concerns about bullying behaviour and
Foundry Road Pre-School has a zero tolerance attitude to bullying.
All staff have a responsibility for dealing with this problem.
When behaviour is unacceptable and recurring, Foundry Road Pre-School will work in partnership with the parent and the child concerned to work out a suitable strategy for management.
● The parent and management will initially discuss the areas of concern and try to discover a possible cause.
● The parent will be reassured that it is the behaviour and not the child that is inappropriate and unacceptable.
● A plan will be developed between parent and management to work together in the home and at Pre-School, which will be
reviewed on a regular basis – timings to be mutually agreed.
● Involve outside agencies for advice and practical help if needed.
We take bullying very seriously. Bullying involves the persistent physical or verbal abuse of another child or children. It is characterised by intent to hurt, often planned, and accompanied by an awareness of the impact of the bullying behaviour.
A child who is bullying has reached a stage of cognitive development where he or she is able to plan to carry out a premeditated intent to cause distress to another. Bullying can occur in children five years old and over and may well be an issue in after school clubs and holiday schemes catering for slightly older children.
If a child bullies another child or children:
The Pre-School welcomes the active involvement of parents (both victim and bully) in bringing this problem under control. In order to maintain confidentiality, parents are requested under no circumstances to discuss concerns regarding other children from the setting among themselves but to speak to a member of management. Discussions between parents may have a detrimental effect on a child’s wellbeing within pre school, their families and an effect on the setting and it’s reputation, when the potential of incorrect information being disclosed.