The purpose of this policy is to provide a Code of Conduct framework for safe professional practice and effective partnerships between staff, management and parents/carers.
The Code of Conduct applies to all staff, bank staff and volunteers
working with pupils on and off-site and requires that these adults will
• place the welfare of children as their first and paramount consideration;
• accept responsibility for their own actions and behaviour and avoid any conduct that might lead any reasonable person to question their motivation and intentions;
• work in an open and transparent way;
• make a record of any incident and promptly consult their line manager;
• apply the same professional standards, regardless of gender, race or sexual orientation;
• be aware of the name of the designated person with responsibility for safeguarding children and understand their responsibilities under the safeguarding / child protection policy;
• understand that any breaches in the law or professional expectations might lead to criminal or disciplinary action and barring; and
• understand their responsibilities to report the unprofessional conduct of other adults working in or on behalf of the pre school.
· Separate policy in place
· Staff have a responsibility to maintain public confidence and must uphold high standards of personal conduct to do so; both within and outside of their work setting
· Staff must not do or say anything that might bring the Preschool into disrepute
· Whilst there may be occasions when parents or pupils may wish to give a small token of appreciation to staff at festivities or the end of an academic year, for example, it is unacceptable to receive gifts on a regular basis.
· Personal gifts should not be given by staff to pupils and any reward to a child should be consistent with the school’s behaviour policy, recorded and not based upon favouritism
· If unsure of whether to accept a gift please refer to the management
· Not to judge on gifts received or quantity that may be given to other key persons.
Social contact
· Staff should not establish or seek to establish any social contact with a pupil or their parents/carers.
· Unplanned or other social contact that happens outside of the pre school setting should be reported to the management.
· Staff should not give their personal telephone numbers or email addresses to parents
· No member of staff will enter into extra or private tuition or childcare arrangements with parents without the permission of the management.
· Staff should notify the managers of any existing or previous family or social relationship with a parent/carer.
Physical contact
· When physical contact is made with children, it should be in response to their needs at that time, of limited duration and appropriate to their age, stage of development, gender, ethnicity and background.
· Physical contact should never be secretive, for the gratification of the adult or represent a misuse of authority.
· Extra caution should be exercised where a child is known to have suffered previous abuse or neglect. Such experiences may sometimes make a child exceptionally needy and demanding of physical contact and staff should respond sensitively by deterring the child through helping them to understand the importance of personal boundaries.
· Any extreme attention-seeking or behaviour by pupils that makes staff feel uncomfortable should be reported to a manager
· Children are entitled to respect and privacy whilst personal care is being taken place.( See intimidate care policy)
Children in distress
· On those occasions when a child may be in distress and in need of comfort and re-assurance, staff should ensure that they remain self-aware at all times and that their contact with the pupil is not open to misunderstanding.
· Staff should not comfort a child alone in a room with no other staff vigilant.
Care, control and physical intervention
· The preschool is committed to the use of positive behaviour management and staff will not use any form of physical punishment, threats, sarcasm or demeaning comments to deal with unacceptable behaviour.
· When children need to be restrained for their own protection or the protection of others, this must only be undertaken in accordance with the Behaviour Management Policy (see separate policy)
· Any such incidents and physical interventions will be recorded and reported to parents / carers
One to one situations
· Staff working individually with children should recognise the potential vulnerability of children and adults in such situations and ensure that they manage these situations with regard for the safety of both the child and themselves.
· Individual work with pupils should not be undertaken in isolated areas or rooms where there is no external visual access. Where it is necessary to close doors for reasons of confidentiality, a colleague should be made aware of this and asked to remain vigilant.
· In general, staff will not be expected to transport or accompany children off-site on their own.
· All first aid will be administered only by suitably trained and accredited staff except in an emergency where the illness or injury is such that to delay assistance might cause harm to the child.
· Children who require any form of intimate care are entitled to privacy, dignity and safety. Children with on-going health problems will be treated in accordance with any Health Care Plan that has been agreed with the parent and the Health Professional and only by those who have been authorised to do so by the management.
· Lone male members of staff will not be placed in a position where they are expected to provide any form of intimate care without the safeguard of having a female colleague in the same room or area.
Mobile Phones, and any other image capturing device and Social Media
· Staff must follow the Pre School Empty Pocket policy at all times. (separate policy)
· Staff should follow the social networking policy (separate policy)
· See separate policy