Outdoor Play

Outdoor Play Policy


All staff should risk assess the outdoor area before children arrive at Pre-School, by following instructions from below

  • Staff must ensure the security gates are securely closed at the front of Pre-school and down the side of Pre-school, before Pre-school opens.
  • Staff are to look around the play space for potential hazards, e.g. animal excrement, glass broken or whole, signs of inappropriate use of the church grounds by unauthorised persons, leaves from the holly tree and rubbish.
  • Bin bags not contained within the bins must be removed.
  • Anything which may be seen as hazardous to staff or children should be dealt with in an appropriate manner.
  • Nettles and other hazardous plants should be removed.
  • The drain cover must be checked to ensure it is in place.
  • Empty milk bottles must not be left where children could access them.
  • Children should have no access to the garage under any circumstances.
  • Equipment and resources must be checked before and after they are set up to ensure they are not broken or dirty. Any broken or dirty equipment should be removed and reported to management.
  • Equipment and resources should be laid out in accordance to the floor plan to ensure outside play reflects the seven areas of learning.
  • Monitoring of staff to child ratio must be done to ensure adequate supervision, as children have free access to the outside.
  • If only two members of staff are supervising outside, they must ensure that all areas of the play space are within their sight.
  • Children should be encouraged to wear sun hats in the sunshine, and drink plenty of water.
  • Children should be encouraged to use aprons during water play, digging in the soil.
  • Children should be encouraged to wash their hands thoroughly after outside play.
  • When tidying away activities and equipment, staff must ensure that all equipment is put away safely and all rubbish is removed.  Sand must be swept up and disposed of appropriately, and water tray emptied.
  • Various equipment and materials to be put out to encourage and extend children's learning